Hello everyone!
In 2020, we began pursuing our dream of running an online store that specializes in creating personalized bamboo plates for children.
Together, with Chloe's aunty - Kelly, we founded The Little Bunny Australia.
Our shop's name is actually inspired by our little girl who adores bunnies.
Our Mission
We absolutely love watching Chloe grow and learn, and we bet you feel the same way about your little one!
Therefore, we continually research and discover top-notch products and activities that aid children's development at each stage to fulfill our objective.
Our mission is to make the journey of growth and development more fun and comfortable for kids by creating high-quality products that cater to their every milestone.
By Parents for Parents
We understand difficulties in our parents' life. Our products also focus into making our daily life easier and more enjoyable!
Our Responsibility for the Environment
We take our responsibility to create eco-friendly products seriously, using materials that are easy to recycle. It's a big challenge, but we always keep in mind the importance of our children's future. Let's work together to preserve the planet for generations to come.
Your order is meaningful, 
not just to us!
$1 from each order will be donated to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, a global center for research, advocacy, and assistive technology innovation for cerebral palsy.
Together, we can make an incredible difference to so many lives.